IC693MDL390 隔离交流输出模块


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IC693MDL390 隔离交流输出模块

IC693MDL390 是一款用于 90-30 系列可编程逻辑单元的 GE Fanuc 隔离交流输出模块。其额定电流为 2 安培,额定电压为 120/240 伏。它具有五个隔离输出点,每个输出点都有一个单独的公共点。模块内部的公共端彼此不相连,这使得每个输出可以应用于交流电源的不同相位,也可以从同一电源传输电力。每个输出均配有 3 安培保险丝和 RC 缓冲器,以保护其免受电源线发出的瞬态电噪声的影响。

IC693MDL390 模块可提供超过额定电流 10 倍的高浪涌电流,使输出非常适合控制各种感性负载和白炽负载。用户必须提供交流电源来操作负载。 注意:该模块使用交流电源运行,不能与直流电源一起使用。 IC693MDL390模块顶部有LED指示灯,显示各输出点的ON/OFF状态。它们排列成两行,每行有八个绿色 LED,两行之间和右侧有一个红色 LED。对于输出状态,模块使用顶行中标记为 A1 至 A5 的前五个 LED。标有“F”的红色 LED 是保险丝熔断指示灯,如果任何保险丝熔断,该指示灯就会亮起。

铰链门的内表面和外表面之间放置有一个插入物,其中包含电路接线信息。可以在外表面上检索电路识别信息。 该模块的颜色编码为红色,表示高压模块。该模块可安装在 90-30 系列 PLC 系统中的任何 I/O 插槽上,并且 应配置为 8 点输出,程序引用五个最低有效位。输出特性包括一个周期最大 25 安培的浪涌电流、100 mA 的最小负载电流以及最大 1.5 伏的输出电压降。输出漏电流在 120 伏交流电压下最大为 3 mA,在 240 伏交流电压下最大为 6 mA。

额定电压: 120/240 伏交流电
输入数量: 5
频率: 50/60赫兹
输出电流: 每点 2.0 A
输出电压范围: 85 – 264 伏交流电
直流电源: 不

IC693MDL390 隔离交流输出模块

The IC693MDL390 is a GE Fanuc isolated AC output module for the 90-30 series programmable logic units. It has a rated current of 2 amps and a rated voltage of 120/240 volts. It has five isolated output points, each with a separate common point. The common ends inside the module are not connected to each other, which allows each output to be applied to different phases of the AC power supply and also to transmit power from the same power supply. Each output is equipped with a 3 amp fuse and RC buffer to protect it from transient electrical noise emitted by the power cord.

The IC693MDL390 module delivers high surge currents in excess of 10 times the rated current, making the output ideal for controlling a wide range of inductive and incandescent loads. The user must provide AC power to operate the load. Note: This module runs on AC power and cannot be used with DC power. The IC693MDL390 module has an LED indicator at the top to display the ON/OFF status of each output point. They are arranged in two rows with eight green leds per row and a red LED between and to the right of the two rows. For the output state, the module uses the first five leds labeled A1 through A5 in the top row. The red LED marked with an “F” is a blown fuse indicator, which will light up if any of the fuses are blown.

An insert is placed between the inner and outer surfaces of the hinged door, which contains circuit wiring information. Circuit identification information can be retrieved on the outer surface. The color code of the module is red, indicating the high voltage module. The module can be installed on any I/O slot in the 90-30 series PLC system and should be configured with an 8-point output, with the program referencing the five least significant bits. Output features include a maximum surge current of 25 amps per cycle, a minimum load current of 100 mA, and a maximum output voltage drop of 1.5 volts. The output leakage current is up to 3 mA at 120 volts AC and up to 6 mA at 240 volts AC.

Technical specification
Rated voltage: 120/240 volts AC
Input quantity: 5
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Output current: 2.0A per point
Output voltage range: 85-264 volts AC
Dc power supply: No


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层