IC695ALG508CA RTD 输入模块

IC695ALG508是一款电阻温度检测器(RTD)输入模块,是PACSystem RX3i可编程自动化控制器(PAC)平台的一部分。该模块由艾默生自动化公司生产,前身为GE智能平台公司(GE IP)。它配备了8个隔离差分输入通道,支持RTD和电阻输入的直接输入。

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IC695ALG508CA RTD 输入模块

IC695ALG508是一款电阻温度检测器(RTD)输入模块,是PACSystem RX3i可编程自动化控制器(PAC)平台的一部分。该模块由艾默生自动化公司生产,前身为GE智能平台公司(GE IP)。它配备了8个隔离差分输入通道,支持RTD和电阻输入的直接输入。

该模块支持RTD输入类型,如50,100,200,500和1000欧姆白金385 (IEC751 1983,修订2 1995;Jisc 1604 1997);50,100,200,500和1000欧姆铂391.6 (JISC 1604: 1981);100欧姆,200欧姆,500欧姆和1000欧姆镍618 (DIN 43760 september 1987);120欧姆镍672 (MINCO应用援助#18,5/90型Ni);10, 50和100欧姆铜426 (SAMA RC21-4-1966)和604欧姆镍铁518。而支持的电阻输入是0-260,0-525,0-1050,0-2100,0-3150,0-4200欧姆。


IC695ALG508的输入数据格式支持32位字段中的16位整数或32位IEEE浮点数据。每个通道还配有2.3 Hz至28 Hz的可选陷波滤波器设置。对于输入线的终端,该模块使用盒式(IC694TBB032),扩展盒式(IC694TBB132),弹簧式(IC694TBS032)或扩展弹簧式(IC694TBS132)端子座。对于屏蔽布线,推荐使用扩展端子块类型,因为这些块提供额外的覆盖深度。

GE Fanuc IC695ALG508电阻温度检测器(RTD)输入模块提供8个隔离差分RTD输入通道。每个通道可以单独设置为RTD输入类型或电阻输入类型。RTD输入类型的电阻额定值包括1000、500、200、100和50欧姆,1000、500、200、100和50欧姆,1000、500、200和100欧姆,120欧姆,604欧姆,或100、50和10欧姆,具体取决于它们的材质。电阻输入类型包括额定电阻4000、3000、2000、1000、500和250欧姆。该RTD输入模块可与端子排一起使用,包括弹簧式IC694TBS032端子排、扩展弹簧式IC694TBS132端子排、箱式IC694TBB032端子排或扩展箱式IC694TBB132端子排。接线端子通常需要单独购买。

GE Fanuc IC695ALG508 RTD输入模块有OK指示灯显示模块状态,Field status指示灯显示是否有外部24伏直流供电、电压是否超限、是否存在故障等。背板电源总线为模块的所有led供电。IC695ALG508模块每个通道都有一个可编程陷波滤波器,频率在2.3赫兹到28赫兹之间。每个通道都有一个32位IEEE浮点数据或16位整数数据的可选输入数据滤波器。IC695ALG508模块在ITS-90上制定了RTD线性化。该模块位于RX3i通用背板中。它的工作温度范围为0至60摄氏度,储存温度范围为-40至85摄氏度,非冷凝湿度范围为5%至95%。


IC695ALG508CA RTD 输入模块

The IC695ALG508 is a Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) input module that is part of the PACSystem RX3i Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) platform. This module is manufactured by Emerson Automation, formerly by GE Intelligent Platforms (GE IP). It comes with Eight (8) isolated differential input channels and supports direct input of RTD and resistance inputs.

This module supports RTD input types such as 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 ohm Platinum 385 (IEC751 1983, Amend 2 1995; JISC 1604 1997); 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 ohm Platinum 391.6 (JISC 1604: 1981); 100 ohm, 200 ohm, 500 ohm, and 1000 ohm Nickel 618 (DIN 43760 Sept. 1987); 120 ohm Nickel 672 (MINCO Application Aid #18, 5/90 Type Ni); 10, 50, and 100 ohm Copper 426 (SAMA RC21-4-1966) and 604 ohm Nickel-Iron 518. While the supported Resistance inputs are 0-260, 0-525, 0-1050, 0-2100, 0-3150, 0-4200 ohms.

This module has selectable measurement units, specifically, Degrees Celsius, Degree Fahrenheit or Ohms. It also has configurable default or hold last state as a reaction to system failure and CPU change of operating mode. This module support Two-Wire, Three-Wire and Four-Wire RTD sensors.

The IC695ALG508 input data format supports 16-bit integer in 32-bit field or 32-bit IEEE Floating point data. Each channel also comes with selectable notch filter settings from 2.3 Hz to 28 Hz. For termination of input wires, this module uses Box-style (IC694TBB032), Extended Boxstyle (IC694TBB132), Spring-style (IC694TBS032), or Extended Spring-style (IC694TBS132) Terminal Block. For shielded wiring, the extended terminal block types are recommended for use as these blocks provide extra shroud depth.

The GE Fanuc IC695ALG508 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) input module offers 8 isolated differential RTD input channels. Every channel can be separately set up as an RTD input type or a resistance input type. The RTD input types include resistance ratings of 1000, 500, 200, 100, and 50 Ohms, 1000, 500, 200, 100, and 50 Ohms, 1000, 500, 200, and 100 Ohms, 120 Ohms, 604 Ohms, or 100, 50, and 10 Ohms depending on what they are made of. The resistance input types include resistance ratings of 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 500, and 250 Ohms. This RTD input module can be used with terminal blocks including the spring-style IC694TBS032 terminal block, the extended spring-style IC694TBS132 terminal block, the box-style IC694TBB032 terminal block or the extended box-style IC694TBB132 terminal block. The terminal blocks usually need to be purchased separately.

The GE Fanuc IC695ALG508 RTD input module has LEDs that include the OK LED that shows the status of the module while the Field Status LED shows if an external 24 Volts DC power supply is connected, whether the voltage is exceeding the minimal level, and also if any faults are present or not. The backplane power bus powers all the LEDs for the module. The IC695ALG508 module has a programmable notch filter frequency between 2.3 Hertz and 28 Hertz for every channel. Each channel has a selectable input data filter with 32-bit IEEE floating point data or 16-bit integer data. The IC695ALG508 module has RTD linearization formulated on the ITS-90. This module is found in the RX3i Universal backplane. It has an operating temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius, a storage temperature range of -40 to 85 degrees Celsius, and a non-condensing humidity range from 5 percent to 95 percent.


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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层