IS200ERRBG1A 励磁调节器冗余背板


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IS200ERRBG1A 励磁调节器冗余背板







IS200ERRBG1A 励磁调节器冗余背板

The IS200ERRBG1A is an excitation regulator redundancy backplane used as a redundancy application mode. It is a GE product designed for power system regulation and control.

In power electronics, IS200ERRBG1A plays a crucial role. By using advanced PWM (pulse width modulation) technology, it is able to provide accurate pulse width modulated DC output for regulator control. PWM is a technology commonly used in digital systems to control and transmit information by adjusting the pulse width of the signal. In power electronics, PWM is used to control the output voltage and frequency of the converter to achieve precise control of devices such as motors.

In addition, the IS200ERRBG1A also has a field discharge function, which may be achieved through its internal IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) inverter module. IGBT is an efficient semiconductor device, which is widely used in power electronics and motor drive fields. The field discharge function may be to safely release the energy stored in the magnetic field when the generator or motor stops working to protect the safety of the equipment and circuit.

When buying IS200ERRBG1A, you can choose to buy it from reputable suppliers, such as Guizhou Yuanmiao Automation Equipment Co., LTD and Shanxi Runsheng Import and Export Co., LTD. These suppliers are usually able to provide real goods and may provide technical support and after-sales service. In addition, different suppliers may have different prices, so it is recommended to compare before buying and choose the best price and service for you.

It is important to note that when using the IS200ERRBG1A, you should follow the relevant installation and use guidelines to ensure correct and safe operation. In the process of use, if you encounter any problems, it is recommended to contact the supplier or professional personnel for consultation and solution.

Overall, the IS200ERRBG1A is a powerful and stable redundant backplane for excitation regulators, suitable for a variety of power system regulation and control applications. Its precise control and protection functions will provide strong support for the stable operation of the power system.


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层