IS200PMCIH1ABA 电子元器件的支撑和电子元器件电路连接的提供者


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


IS200PMCIH1ABA 电子元器件的支撑和电子元器件电路连接的提供者

IS200PMCIH1ABA 印刷电路板 零件号:IS200PMCIH1ABA制造商:通用电气公司 系列:MKVI 功能:印刷电路板 IS200PMCIH1ABA是一个印刷电路板,是GE Speedtronic MKVI燃气轮机控制的一部分。

IS200PMCIH1ABA 电子元器件的支撑和电子元器件电路连接的提供者

IS200PMCIH1ABA Printed Circuit Board Part Number :IS200PMCIH1ABA Manufacturer: General Electric Company Series :MKVI Features: Printed Circuit Board The IS200PMCIH1ABA is a printed circuit board, Part of the GE Speedtronic MKVI gas turbine control.
Printed circuit board (PCB) is the support of electronic components and electronic component circuit connection provider, is made with electronic printing, so it is called “printed” circuit board. They may have only one or two layers of copper, or they may have fifty or more layers in higher density applications. Common printed circuit boards are ceramic circuit boards, alumina ceramic circuit boards, aluminum nitride ceramic circuit boards and so on.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层