IS2020RKPSG3A在Mark VI系统中用作VME机架电源。Mark VI是通用电气创建和发布的最后一批Speedtronic蒸汽或燃气轮机管理系统之一。这条线的涡轮机管理运行从1960年代末,当他们发布了马克1系统通过90年代与释放最后两个系统,马克6和马克VIe。马克六,它可以建立在单一或TMR(三模冗余)形式,是围绕一个中央控制模块。这连接到接收从连接到系统的其他板输入的终端板。控制模块还连接到操作员界面,或HMI,允许通过Windows平台访问系统数据。

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IS2020RKPSG3A在Mark VI系统中用作VME机架电源。Mark VI是通用电气创建和发布的最后一批Speedtronic蒸汽或燃气轮机管理系统之一。这条线的涡轮机管理运行从1960年代末,当他们发布了马克1系统通过90年代与释放最后两个系统,马克6和马克VIe。马克六,它可以建立在单一或TMR(三模冗余)形式,是围绕一个中央控制模块。这连接到接收从连接到系统的其他板输入的终端板。控制模块还连接到操作员界面,或HMI,允许通过Windows平台访问系统数据。

IS2020RKPSG3A是VME机架电源的七个(主要)版本之一。这些版本中的每一个都有不同的输入和输出要求。IS2020RKPSG3A的额定输出功率为400W。其额定输入电压为125 Vdc。该模块有一个Status ID输出,一个远程+28V PSA输出,以及额外的五个+28V PSA输出。该模块被设计安装在VME控制和接口机架的右侧。




Product Description
The IS2020RKPSG3A functions as a VME Rack Power supply within the Mark VI system.  The Mark VI is one of the last Speedtronic steam or gas turbine management systems created and released by GE.  This line of turbine management ran from the late 1960s when they released the Mark I system through the 1990s with the release of the final two systems, the Mark VI and the Mark VIe. The Mark VI, which can be built in either Simplex or TMR (triple modular redundant) form, is built around a central Control Module. This connects to termination boards that receive inputs from other boards connected to the system.  The Control Module is also connected to an Operator Interface, or HMI, that allows access via a Windows platform to system data.

The IS2020RKPSG3A is one of seven (major) versions of the VME Rack Power Supply.  Each of these versions has different input and output requirements. The IS2020RKPSG3A has an output rating of 400W. Its input voltage rating is 125 Vdc.  The module has a Status ID output, a remote +28V PSA output, and an additional five +28V PSA outputs. The module is designed to mount to the right side of the VME control and interface racks.

The IS2020RKPSG3A module has a front faceplate with a toggle switch that is the only user control on the module.   Module faults can be reset using this toggle switch. The faceplate also has three LED indicators, including a green, a red, and a yellow LED.  Connections mentioned in the previous paragraph (PSA outputs) are located on the top and bottom of the unit. The side of the unit is designed with a number of metal fins that function as a heat sink component.


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