LM80.A DSAO120A 3BSE018293R1  ABB 实现功能安全的数字化和增值


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LM80.A DSAO120A 3BSE018293R1  ABB 实现功能安全的数字化和增值

LM80.A  DSAO120A 3BSE018293R1   ABB 实现功能安全的数字化和增值


HIMA进入中东地区已有20多年,为82个国家的客户群提供服务,并与客户建立了更紧密的合作关系。HIMA中东公司28日在迪拜杰贝勒阿里开设了新的总部泰国(Thailand)2023年2月,加强其在该地区的存在。在开业活动中,管理合伙人Steffen Philipp、首席执行官rg de la Motte、首席财务官Michael Lö big和HIMA中东副总裁Andrew Dennant对客户、客人和当地政府表示欢迎。


“通过扩大我们在中东的市场份额,我们确认了我们对支持这一重要地区的客户和合作伙伴的长期承诺,”HIMA管理合伙人Steffen Philipp说道。


“我们的方法是帮助该地区的客户实现功能安全的数字化和增值。HIMA首席执行官rg de la Motte强调:“对新办事处的投资是为了在该地区实现进一步增长,以符合HIMA的长期发展。”

LM80.A DSAO120A 3BSE018293R1  ABB 实现功能安全的数字化和增值

LM80.ADSAO120A 3BSE018293R1 ABB enables digitization and value addition of functional safety

ABB, a leading provider of safety-related automation solutions, is seeking a clear strategy to strengthen customer partnerships in key markets and enhance collaboration between its partners, sales and engineering services. The latest example is the new headquarters in the Middle East.

HIMA has been present in the Middle East for more than 20 years, serving a customer base in 82 countries and building even closer relationships with its customers. HIMA Middle East opened its new headquarters in Jebel Ali, Dubai (Thailand) in February 2023, strengthening its presence in the region. At the opening event, Managing Partner Steffen Philipp, CEO rg de la Motte, Chief Financial Officer Michael Lo big and HIMA Middle East Vice President Andrew Dennant welcomed customers, guests and local authorities.

As the business focus in the Middle East shifts from serving the traditional hydrocarbon processing industry to serving customers who are increasingly using renewable energy, HIMA Group will continue to invest in the region.

“By expanding our market share in the Middle East, we confirm our long-term commitment to supporting our customers and partners in this important region,” said Steffen Philipp, HIMA Managing Partner.

As customers in the Middle East, Africa and CIS countries turn to digitization of process and functional safety in the rail industry, HIMA has deployed a wider range of expertise in the region.

“Our approach is to help customers in the region digitalize and add value to functional safety. “The investment in the new office is to achieve further growth in the region, in line with HIMA’s long-term development,” stressed rg de la Motte, CEO of HIMA. .

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层