PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020 ABB 张力控制器模块

ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020是一款张力控制器 ,通常用于工业生产线中,特别是在印刷、涂覆、拉伸、卷取等应用中,以确保材料的张力保持在稳定的水平上。这种张力控制器是ABB公司的产品,具有以下特点和功能:

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020是工业生产线中常用的张力控制器,特别是在印刷、涂布、拉伸和卷取等应用中,以确保材料的张力保持在稳定的水平。该张力控制器是ABB公司的产品,具有以下特点和功能:
张力控制: PFEA112-20张力控制器的主要功能是测量和控制物料的张力。它可以保证材料在生产加工过程中的张力保持在特定的预定范围内,防止材料过紧或过松。
高精度测量: PFEA112-20提供高精度张力测量, 确保精确的张力控制, 适用于张力精度要求较高的应用。
通信接口:通常,控制器配备多个通信接口,用于与其他自动化设备、控制系统或监控系统进行数据交换和集成。常见的接口包括以太网、Modbus、Profibus等。用户界面: PFEA112-20张力控制器通常配备用户友好的界面,允许操作员监控张力状态、设置参数和进行故障诊断。

PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020

ABB PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020 is a commonly used tension controller in industrial production lines, especially in applications such as printing, coating, stretching, and coiling, to ensure that the tension of the material is maintained at a stable level. This tension controller is a product of ABB company and has the following characteristics and functions:
Tension control: The main function of the PFEA112-20 tension controller is to measure and control the tension of materials. It can ensure that the tension of the material is maintained within a specific predetermined range during production and processing, preventing the material from being too tight or too loose.
Multi channel control: Typically, this type of tension controller has multiple control channels, allowing for simultaneous control of multiple tension devices or coiling systems.
High precision measurement: PFEA112-20 provides high-precision tension measurement, ensuring precise tension control, suitable for applications with high tension accuracy requirements.
Communication interfaces: Typically, controllers are equipped with multiple communication interfaces for data exchange and integration with other automation equipment, control systems, or monitoring systems. Common interfaces include Ethernet, Modbus, Profibus, etc. User interface: The PFEA112-20 tension controller is typically equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows operators to monitor tension status, set parameters, and perform fault diagnosis.
Reliability and stability: This type of controller is usually designed for industrial equipment with high reliability and stability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions and long-term operation needs.

PFEA112-20 3BSE050091R20
PFEA111-65 3BSE050090R65
3BSE050091 R65
PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65
PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R0020
PFEA111-65 3BSE050091R65
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层