PFEA112-20 3BSE050091R20 ABB 张力测量系统


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


abb测力压头是根据ABB的专利一磁致弹性技术, 也就是压磁原理制造的。控制单元向压头提供激磁电源,处理由压头输出信号并将测量值传输给外接系统。其它系统通讯的方式可以是模拟量输出,高速现场总线等。PFEA111 / PFEA112控制单元可以由触摸键进行设置及调试。由于拥有友好的用户界面而非常易于实现这些功能。测量值在PFEA111 / PFEA112显示,通过模拟量输出与外部显示或其他外围设备通讯。状态或报警信息在PFEA111 / PFEA1 12控制单元上显示或经ProfisBus DP(仅对PFEA1 12有效)输出。

PFEA112-20 3BSE050091R20

The ABB tension meter Millmate strip tension measurement system has ultra-high impact and overload resistance, fatigue resistance, long-term stability without movable components, and insensitivity to on-site electrical signal interference. It reduces mill downtime caused by unpredictable faults and increases production. The ABB tension meter Millmate strip tension measurement system is used to measure strip tension, To ensure that the tension of the plate and strip remains constant within the allowable range during acceleration and deceleration. The head is installed at both ends of the guide roller. A complete system includes:
● Two product abb force measuring head
● Control unit for power supply and signal processing of the pressure head
The ABB force measuring head is manufactured based on ABB’s patented magnetoelastic technology, which is the principle of piezomagnetism. The control unit provides excitation power to the pressure head, processes the output signals from the pressure head, and transmits the measured values to the external system. Other communication methods for systems can be analog output, high-speed fieldbus, etc. The PFEA111/PFEA112 control units can be set and debugged using touch keys. Due to its user-friendly interface, it is very easy to implement these functions. The measured values are displayed on PFEA111/PFEA112 and communicate with external displays or other peripheral devices through analog output. The status or alarm information is displayed on the PFEA111/PFEA1 12 control unit or output through ProfisBus DP (only valid for PFEA1 12).

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层