PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 可以在控制器内部直接设定一些工艺上要求的卷取锥度

多组张力控制:在一些生产过程中,PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 需要使用多组张力控制器控制不同位置的材料张力。通过调节每组张力控制器的参数,可以使不同位置的材料保持相应的张力水平,实现整个生产线上不同位置的材料同步运行。



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PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 可以在控制器内部直接设定一些工艺上要求的卷取锥度

PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 张力控制器有多种功能,其中一些主要功能包括:


多组张力控制:在一些生产过程中,PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 需要使用多组张力控制器控制不同位置的材料张力。通过调节每组张力控制器的参数,可以使不同位置的材料保持相应的张力水平,实现整个生产线上不同位置的材料同步运行。








PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 可以在控制器内部直接设定一些工艺上要求的卷取锥度

The PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 tension controller has a variety of functions, some of the key features include:

Real-time tension monitoring and control: The tension controller can monitor the tension of continuous materials such as wire in real time, and keep the tension in a stable range by adjusting the working parameters of the tension device. This helps to avoid problems such as pulling and breaking of the wire during processing, and ensures the quality and production efficiency of the product.

Multiple tension control: In some production processes, the PFEA112-65 3BSE050091R65 requires the use of multiple tension controllers to control material tension at different locations. By adjusting the parameters of each tension controller, the material in different positions can maintain the corresponding tension level, and the material in different positions on the entire production line can run synchronously.

Tension difference adjustment: The tension controller can adjust and balance the tension difference in different positions, avoid material damage caused by sudden tension, and improve production efficiency and product quality.

Taper adjustment function: Some tension controllers also have taper adjustment function, which can be set directly inside the controller to some of the process requirements of the winding taper.

Parameter setting and adjustment: The tension controller is usually equipped with a simple and easy to use interface, so that users can easily set parameters, tension calibration and other operations. Users can customize and optimize the system based on actual requirements to improve system security and reliability.

Strong anti-interference ability: The tension controller adopts a number of advanced technologies in the world, has high anti-interference ability and stability, and can adapt to a variety of complex industrial environments.

High integration: The tension controller integrates A variety of functional modules, such as tension detector, high-precision A/D converter, high-performance MCU, etc., with high integration and wide applicability.

Communication protocol support: The tension controller usually supports communication protocols such as standard Modbus, which is convenient for connection and integration with other devices such as PLC and touch screen.

Fault diagnosis and alarm: When the tension is abnormal or out of the set range, the tension controller can provide timely fault diagnosis and alarm functions to help users quickly locate and solve the problem.

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层