PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB 工业称重传感器 成都阳光熹禾

  • 在使用前应确保传感器已正确安装并固定在台面上。
  • 避免超量程使用,以免损坏传感器。
  • 定期进行校准和维护,以保证传感器的准确性和可靠性。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB 工业称重传感器

  • 高精度:传感器具有高精度等级,优异的线性度和重复性,能够提供准确的重量数据。
  • 快速响应:具有快速的响应速度,能够实时监测物料的重量变化。
  • 高可靠性:采用优质材料和先进的生产工艺,确保在各种恶劣环境下稳定工作。
  • 防护等级:IP67,具有良好的防尘、防水性能。
  • 除了上述特点外,其“极端条件”版本(XC)进一步增加了对高温和低温、高湿度、低气压、盐雾和危险气体,以及振动和冲击的抵抗能力,这使得ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1称重传感器能够大幅度降低工业控制系统的建设成本,并消除对特殊密封、暖通、减震器、电磁保护等先进保护罩的需求。
  • ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1是一款高性能、高精度的称重传感器,适用于各种需要高精度测量的工业应用。

PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1

产品详情参数 :PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB 工业称重传感器

  • 型号:ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
  • 量程:5.0KN(即500公斤力)
  • 使用不锈钢、合金钢等高强度材料制成,确保良好的耐用性和可靠性。

PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB 应用领域:

  • 食品工业:用于检测包装材料、包装容器的重量。
  • 化工行业:用于称重和监控液体、固体的重量。
  • 物流领域:用于称重和监控运输中的货物重量。
  • 其他需要高精度称重的工业应用

Product details: PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB industrial weighing sensor
High precision: Sensors have high precision levels, excellent linearity and repeatability, and can provide accurate weight data.
Quick response: With fast response speed, it can monitor the weight changes of materials in real time.
High reliability: Using high-quality materials and advanced production processes, ensuring stable operation in various harsh environments.
Protection level: IP67, with good dust and water resistance performance.
In addition to the above characteristics, its “Extreme Condition” version (XC) further increases its resistance to high and low temperatures, high humidity, low pressure, salt mist, and hazardous gases, as well as vibration and shock. This allows the ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 weighing sensor to significantly reduce the construction cost of industrial control systems and eliminate the need for advanced protective covers such as special seals, HVAC, shock absorbers, and electromagnetic protection.
ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 is a high-performance and high-precision weighing sensor suitable for various industrial applications that require high-precision measurement.
Product details and parameters: PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB industrial weighing sensor
Model: ABB PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1
Range: 5.0KN (500 kgf)
Made of high-strength materials such as stainless steel and alloy steel, ensuring good durability and reliability.
PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB Application Area:
Food industry: used to detect the weight of packaging materials and containers.
Chemical industry: used for weighing and monitoring the weight of liquids and solids.
Logistics field: used for weighing and monitoring the weight of goods during transportation.
Other industrial applications that require high-precision weighing.

其他型号推荐:PFTL101B 5.0KN 3BSE004191R1 ABB 工业称重传感器

ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon co ABB GVC703AE01 3BHL00386P0101 Silicon controlled
ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101 ABB IGCT 5SHX0660F0001 3BHB003387R0101
ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristo ABB 5SHX0445D0001 Gate turn-off thyristor module
ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module ABB 5SHX0360D0001 Gate Module
ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commut ABB 5SHY5055L0002 3BHE019719R0101 Commutated Thyristor
ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5 ABB Silicon controlled AC10272001R0101 5SXE08-0167
ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commu ABB IGCT 5SHY5045L0020 5SXE10-0181 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 IGCT MODULE
ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT M ABB 5SHY4045L0004 3BHB021400R0002 IGCT MODULE
ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlle ABB IGCT 5SHY4045L0002 silicon controlled
ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commut ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4522 Asymmetric Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4521 Controller Circuit Board
ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit ABB IGCT 5SHY35L4520 Controller Circuit Board
ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Ga ABB 5SHY35L4512 Asymmetric Integrated Gate- Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor ABB 5SHY35L4511 Commutated Thyristor
ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon ABB 5SHY35L4510 3BHE014105R0001 silicon controlled
ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 ABB Inverter 5SXE01-0127 3BHB004692R0002 silicon controlled
ABB 5SHY35L4503 3BHB004693R0001 IGCT Mod ABB 5SHY35L4503 3BHB004693R0001 IGCT Module
ABB IGCT 5SXE08-0166 ACS6000 Module ABB IGCT 5SXE08-0166 ACS6000 Module
ABB 5SHY3545L0020 3BHE014105R0001 Power ABB 5SHY3545L0020 3BHE014105R0001 Power exciter control module
ABB GVC736BE101 3BHE019719R0101 IGCT Mod ABB GVC736BE101 3BHE019719R0101 IGCT Module
ABB 5SXE06-0160 3BHB020720R0002 Module ABB 5SXE06-0160 3BHB020720R0002 Module
ABB GVC736BE101 3BHB019719R0101 ACS 6000 ABB GVC736BE101 3BHB019719R0101 ACS 6000 IGCT
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层