PM150V08 高低温试验箱和生活领域,如除湿机,以控制温度与湿度

1. 查看电脑屏幕,紫色的点表示DCS控制发出的故障报警信号。
2. 找到故障点的测量模块,旁边的线路编号是故障点的身份。
3. 拆开模块进行测量,断开回路测量电流是处理故障常用的方法。
4. 拆掉端子螺丝,拔掉线头,并再次拧紧端子螺丝,防止测量出现误差。
5. 用信号发生器检查模块是否有问题,可以用标准的4-20毫安电流检验模块是否良好。
6. 找电流信号,设置输出为12毫安,矫正模块。如果显示值是量程的一半,说明模块完好,否则测点有问题,需要处理。

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PM150V08 高低温试验箱和生活领域,如除湿机,以控制温度与湿度


1. 查看电脑屏幕,紫色的点表示DCS控制发出的故障报警信号。
2. 找到故障点的测量模块,旁边的线路编号是故障点的身份。
3. 拆开模块进行测量,断开回路测量电流是处理故障常用的方法。
4. 拆掉端子螺丝,拔掉线头,并再次拧紧端子螺丝,防止测量出现误差。
5. 用信号发生器检查模块是否有问题,可以用标准的4-20毫安电流检验模块是否良好。
6. 找电流信号,设置输出为12毫安,矫正模块。如果显示值是量程的一半,说明模块完好,否则测点有问题,需要处理。

PM150V08 高低温试验箱和生活领域,如除湿机,以控制温度与湿度

DCS controller is a design patent applied by Hunan Diwen Technology Co., LTD. The PM150V08 controller is widely used in industrial areas, such as high and low temperature test chambers, and domestic areas, such as dehumidifiers, to control temperature and humidity. For more information about DCS controllers, it is recommended to visit the company’s website.

The DCS controller is the core of the distributed control system, and the PM150V08 is used to realize the automatic control and monitoring of the production process. If the DCS controller is faulty, perform the following steps to rectify the fault:
1. Check the computer screen, the purple dot indicates the fault alarm signal issued by DCS control.
2. Locate the measurement module of the fault. The line number next to the measurement module is the identity of the fault.
3. Disassemble the module for measurement, and disconnect the loop to measure the current is a common method to deal with faults.
4. Remove the terminal screw, remove the cable end, and tighten the terminal screw again to prevent measurement errors.
5. Use the signal generator to check whether there is a problem with the module, you can use the standard 4-20 MA current to check whether the module is good.
6. Find the current signal, set the output to 12 MA, and correct the module. If the displayed value is half of the range, it indicates that the module is intact, otherwise there is a problem with the measuring point and it needs to be dealt with.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层