PP845 3BSE042235R1 ABB 触摸屏

所有面板都使用ABB的Panel BuilderI具进行配置,该工具包含应用中所需的所有基本功能。这些功能是根据客户的需求和偏好进行测试和开发的。-个完全可部署的HMI,具有全面集成的模板和库,适用于所有可能的流程。Panel Builder: I具具有熟悉的Microsoft Windows环境和多语言支持,可实现非常快速、简单和高效的工程设计。最先进的图形TFL/LED显示屏中基于矢量的高分辨率图形,具有基于图标的界面导航和控制。

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


Panel 800版本6.2系列由用户友好、直观且符合人体工程学的操作面板组成,这些操作面板将纤薄节省空间的尺寸与全面的高级功能相结合。Panel 800版本6由标准的黑色坚固面板组成,拥有更多接口选项、速度和明亮的显示。旨在使过程自动化变得容易,所有1 1个面板都配备了先进的过程和设备控制功能,通过触摸液晶显示屏进行操作。结合市场领先的性能和惊人的图形能力,Panel 800侵蚀了普通操作面板和基于PC的HMI之间的界限。所有面板都使用ABB的Panel BuilderI具进行配置,该工具包含应用中所需的所有基本功能。这些功能是根据客户的需求和偏好进行测试和开发的。-个完全可部署的HMI,具有全面集成的模板和库,适用于所有可能的流程。Panel Builder: I具具有熟悉的Microsoft Windows环境和多语言支持,可实现非常快速、简单和高效的工程设计。最先进的图形TFL/LED显示屏中基于矢量的高分辨率图形,具有基于图标的界面导航和控制。

PP845 3BSE042235R1

The Panel 800 version 6.2 series consists of user-friendly, intuitive, and ergonomic operating panels that combine slim, space saving dimensions with comprehensive advanced features. The Panel 800 version 6 consists of a standard black sturdy panel with more interface options, speed, and bright display. Designed to make process automation easier, all 11 panels are equipped with advanced process and device control functions, operated through touch LCD screens. Combining market leading performance and stunning graphics capabilities, the Panel 800 erodes the boundary between ordinary operating panels and PC based HMIs. All panels are configured using ABB’s Panel BuilderI tool, which includes all the basic functions required in the application. These functions are tested and developed based on customer needs and preferences- A fully deployable HMI with fully integrated templates and libraries, suitable for all possible processes. Panel Builder: With a familiar Microsoft Windows environment and multilingual support, I can achieve very fast, simple, and efficient engineering design. The most advanced graphics TFL/LED display screen features vector based high-resolution graphics with icon based interface navigation and control.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层