PP886H 3BSE069297R1 ABB 触摸屏


  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


PP886H 3BSE069297R1触摸屏(touch screen)又称为“触控屏”、“触控面板”,是一种可接收触头等输入讯号的感应式液晶显示装置,当接触了屏幕上的图形按钮时,屏幕上的触觉反馈系统可根据预先编程的程式驱动各种连结装置,可用以取代机械式的按钮面板,并借由液晶显示画面制造出生动的影音效果。触摸屏作为一种最新的电脑输入设备,它是目前最简单、方便、自然的一种人机交互方式。它赋予了多媒体以崭新的面貌,PP886H 3BSE069297R1是极富吸引力的全新多媒体交互设备。不用学习,人人都会使用,是触摸屏最大的魔力,这一点无论是键盘还是鼠标,都无法与其相比。触摸屏主要应用于公共信息的查询、领导办公、工业控制、军事指挥、电子游戏、点歌点菜、多媒体教学、房地产预售等PP886H 3BSE069297R1。

PP886H 3BSE069297R1

The PP886H 3BSE069297R1 touch screen, also known as the “touch screen” or “touch panel”, is an inductive liquid crystal display device that can receive input signals such as contacts. When touching graphic buttons on the screen, the touch feedback system on the screen can drive various connection devices according to pre programmed programs, which can replace mechanical button panels and create dynamic audio and video effects through the liquid crystal display screen. As the latest computer input device, touch screen is currently the simplest, convenient, and natural way of human-computer interaction. It gives multimedia a new look, and the PP886H 3BSE069297R1 is an attractive new multimedia interactive device. No need to learn, everyone can use it, and it is the biggest magic of touch screens, which cannot be compared to whether it is a keyboard or a mouse. The touch screen is mainly used for public information inquiry, leadership office, industrial control, military command, electronic games, ordering, multimedia teaching, real estate pre-sale, and other PP886H 3BSE069297R1 applications.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层