PTQ-PDPMV1  设计用于工业自动化和控制系统

输入接口:PTQ-PDPMV1 模块通常具有多个数字量输入接口,可以接收来自开关、传感器等设备的数字信号。
通信接口:PTQ-PDPMV1 模块通常具有与上位机或其他设备通信的接口,如RS-485、CAN等,可以实现数据的传输和控制。

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PTQ-PDPMV1  设计用于工业自动化和控制系统

数字量输入模块是一种用于接收数字信号输入的模块,PTQ-PDPMV1 通常用于工业自动化系统中。


输入接口:PTQ-PDPMV1 模块通常具有多个数字量输入接口,可以接收来自开关、传感器等设备的数字信号。
通信接口:PTQ-PDPMV1 模块通常具有与上位机或其他设备通信的接口,如RS-485、CAN等,可以实现数据的传输和控制。

1. 打开检验盒,PTQ-PDPMV1 可以看到有很多的检验端子,有零到十五,共十六个点。
2. 找到DC COM1和DC COM2,将其与24伏电源模块的负极连接。
3. 零到十五需要接24伏的正极,但需要控制。可以使用一个中继,里面串24伏的正极,用敞开点去控制接通每一个点位,或者用24伏的接近开关去控制。
4. 使用中继的常开点去直接输入到每个点位,例如,强制一个零点,强制后上面的指示灯就会相应的亮起来,强制一些别的点位也一样,相应的指示灯都会亮起来。

PTQ-PDPMV1  设计用于工业自动化和控制系统

Digital input module is a module used to receive digital signal input, PTQ-PDPMV1 is commonly used in industrial automation systems.

Digital input modules usually have the following characteristics:

Input interface: PTQ-PDPMV1 module usually has multiple digital input interfaces, which can receive digital signals from switches, sensors and other devices.
Signal processing: The module can filter and amplify the received digital signal to adapt to different application requirements.
Protection function: The module usually has overvoltage, overcurrent and other protection functions to ensure the stability and reliability of the system.
Communication interface: PTQ-PDPMV1 module usually has an interface to communicate with the host computer or other devices, such as RS-485, CAN, etc., which can realize data transmission and control.
Digital input modules are widely used in various occasions that require digital signal processing, such as industrial automation control, smart home systems, robots, etc. Through the digital input module, various automatic control and intelligent functions can be realized.

Wiring methods for digital input modules may vary by brand and model, but in general, you can refer to the following steps:
1. Open the inspection box, PTQ-PDPMV1 can see a lot of inspection terminals, from zero to fifteen, a total of sixteen points.
2. Locate DC COM1 and DC COM2 and connect them to the negative terminals of the 24-volt power module.
3. Zero to fifteen needs to be connected to 24 volts of positive electrode, but it needs to be controlled. A relay can be used with a 24 volt positive electrode, with an open point to control each point, or with a 24 volt proximity switch to control.
4. Use the normal open point of the trunk to directly input to each point, for example, forcing a zero, the above indicator will be lit up accordingly, forcing some other points are the same, the corresponding indicator will be lit up.

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