PU516 直流电机的励磁绕组和电枢绕组如果彼此直接反




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PU516 直流电机的励磁绕组和电枢绕组如果彼此直接反















PU516 直流电机的励磁绕组和电枢绕组如果彼此直接反

PU516 should check the insulation of the stepper motor, it is best to complete the monomer debugging of the motor before wiring, and then connect the external line when the motor meets the current standard requirements. Generally, the insulation resistance of low-voltage motors is required to be greater than 0.5MΩ, and the table uses 500V.

However, if the field winding and armature winding of the DC motor are directly opposite each other, it may make the motor armature charged, the field winding is not charged and magnetization is lost, so that the motor may run fast when it is unloaded, and the rotor is burned out when it is overloaded. Therefore, the external wiring of the armature winding and the excitation winding of the DC motor must not be directly wrong with each other.

External wiring of the motor. Before the motor is connected to the external wire, it is necessary to check whether the leading end of each winding in the end cover is loose. When the crimping screw of the internal lead wire is tightened, the short circuit sheet can be connected according to the required wiring method and the external wire is crimped.

After the motor installation and wiring is completed, before the motor test run, the engineer hereby recommends that the customer should mainly carry out the following review at this time:

(1) Completion of civil cleaning;

(2) Single motor device, view end;

(3) The debugging of the secondary circuit such as the motor control circuit is completed and the operation is normal;

(4) When moving the motor rotor, the rotation is sensitive and there is no bumping phenomenon;

(5) All the wiring of the main circuit system of the motor is fixed and strong, without any loosening;

(6) Other subsidiary systems are complete and qualified.

In the above six, the device electrician should pay special attention to the fifth, the main circuit system referred to here refers to the power input from the power distribution cabinet to the motor terminal all the main circuit wiring, should be connected firmly. That is, each knife switch, air switch, contactor, fuse and thermal relay, each upper and lower contact of the terminal block of the distribution cabinet and the motor wiring should be pressed firmly to ensure the safe operation of the motor, otherwise, there is the risk of burning the motor.

When the stepper motor is in trial operation, PU516 should monitor whether the current of the motor exceeds the specified value and make a record. In addition, you should also look at the following items:

(1) Whether the rotation direction of the motor meets the requirements. When the communication motor is reversed, the PU516 can arbitrarily exchange two motor connections; When the DC motor is reversed, two armature voltage lines can be exchanged, and two excitation voltage lines can also be changed.

(2) The sound of the motor operation meets the requirements, that is, there is no conflict sound, screaming, clamping sound and other abnormal sounds, otherwise it should be stopped for check.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层