PW502 HiNet智能网关最多连接254台以太网接口的PLC或者触摸屏


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PW502 HiNet智能网关最多连接254台以太网接口的PLC或者触摸屏

YOKOGAWA PW502集散控制系统(DCS)通讯卡通讯模块PW502








PW502 HiNet智能网关最多连接254台以太网接口的PLC或者触摸屏

YOKOGAWA PW502 Distributed Control System (DCS) communication card module PW502

PLC Ethernet communication is based on the traditional Ethernet communication mechanism, the use of Ethernet and TCP/IP protocol as the basis for communication, in any case to provide absolute support for TCP/IP communication. A surname

It can meet the real-time requirements in automation, optimize the real-time communication channel based on PLC Ethernet layer, reduce the time occupied on communication, and improve the performance of automatic data refresh.

With the application of remote in industrial equipment, how to save costs, so that plc Ethernet communication modules connect more equipment to achieve the role of monitoring and control. Connected by a PLC remote communication module

Connect to multiple Ethernet PLCS, HiNet intelligent gateway can connect to up to 254 Ethernet PLCS or touch screens.

Input voltage power supply board is a circuit board used to convert the input voltage to the required voltage. PW502 is usually composed of power management chip, capacitor, resistor and other electronic components, through the circuit design to achieve voltage conversion and control.

The input voltage power supply board has the following characteristics:

Good stability: The PW502 input voltage power supply board usually uses high-quality electronic components and advanced circuit design to ensure stable and reliable output voltage.
High conversion efficiency: The PW502 input voltage power supply board is able to convert the input voltage to the required voltage while maintaining a high conversion efficiency to reduce energy waste.
Protection function: The PW502 input voltage power supply board usually has over-voltage, over-current and other protection functions to avoid circuit damage and safety hazards.
Easy integration: The PW502 input voltage power supply board usually has a standardized interface and size for easy integration with other boards or systems.
Input voltage power supply board is widely used in various occasions requiring voltage conversion, such as communication equipment, computers, industrial automation equipment and so on. Through the input voltage power supply board, different input voltages can be converted to the required output voltages to meet the normal operation requirements of the device.

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层