REF541 馈线终端

REF 541 馈线终端可与不同类型的开关设备配合使用,包括单母线、双母线和双工系统。

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


REF541 馈线终端

REF 541 馈线终端专为中压网络中的保护、控制、测量和监控而设计自 2022 年起不再活跃的产品

REF 541 馈线终端可与不同类型的开关设备配合使用,包括单母线、双母线和双工系统。

保护功能还支持不同类型的网络,例如隔离中性网络、谐振接地网络和部分接地网络。应用领域还涵盖中型三相异步电机以及用于无功补偿的并联电容器组的保护和控制。除了保护、测量、控制、状态监测和一般功能外,REF 541 馈线终端还提供大量 PLC 功能,可将变电站自动化所需的多种自动化和顺序逻辑功能集成到一个系统中单元。

数据通信属性包括以下通信标准:SPA 总线、LON 总线、IEC 60870-5-103、通过 SPA-ZC 400 的 IEC 61850、通过 SPA-ZC 302 的 Profibus DPV1、DNP 3.0 以及与更高级别设备的 Modbus 通信。此外,LON 通信与 PLC 功能一起最大限度地减少了馈线终端之间的硬接线需求。


可编程逻辑功能 (PLC)

通过 SPA-ZC 400 适配器支持 IEC 61850 协议
15 个二进制输入和 12 个输出继电器

REF541 馈线终端

The REF 541 feeder terminal is designed for protection, control, measurement and monitoring in medium voltage networks Products that are no longer active since 2022

The REF 541 feeder terminal can be used with different types of switchgear, including single bus, double bus and duplex systems.

The protection function also supports different types of networks, such as isolated neutral networks, resonant grounded networks, and partially grounded networks. Applications also cover protection and control of medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motors and shunt capacitor banks for reactive power compensation. In addition to protection, measurement, control, condition monitoring and general functions, the REF 541 feeder terminal offers a large number of PLC functions to integrate multiple automation and sequential logic functions required for substation automation into a single system unit.

Data communication attributes include the following communication standards: SPA bus, LON bus, IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 61850 via SPA-ZC 400, Profibus DPV1 via SPA-ZC 302, DNP 3.0 and Modbus communication with higher level devices. In addition, LON communication, together with PLC functionality, minimizes the need for hard wiring between feeder terminals.

Feeder protection relay

Product advantage
Protection functions for many different types of power networks
Programmable Logic Function (PLC)
Wide support for different communication protocols
Optical communication enables fast, interference-free communication

Product characteristics
Voltage and current are measured by conventional measuring transformers or current sensors and dividers
All kinds of network short-circuit fault locator
Support for IEC 61850 protocol via SPA-ZC 400 adapter
15 binary input and 12 output relays


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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层