REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E ABB 馈线保护测控装置 成都阳光熹禾

  • 短路保护:快速响应短路故障,切断故障电路
  • 过载保护:监测电流过载情况,及时发出保护信号
  • 接地保护:检测接地故障,保护电网安全
  • 其他保护:可能还包括欠压保护、过压保护、频率保护等
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E ABB 馈线保护测控装置

REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E是一款ABB生产的馈线保护测控装置。馈线保护测控装置是电力系统中的重要设备,用于保护馈线(即电力系统中从电源母线向负荷供电的输电线路)在发生故障时能够快速切除故障,保障电网的稳定运行。

  1. 保护功能
    • 当馈线发生短路、过载、接地等故障时,馈线保护测控装置能够迅速检测并发出保护信号,切断故障电路,防止故障扩大。
    • 可能具备多种保护策略,如电流速断保护、过电流保护、零序电流保护等,以适应不同的故障类型和电网需求。
  2. 测控功能
    • 对馈线的电流、电压等电气参数进行实时监测和测量,为电网的调度和运行提供准确的数据支持。
    • 可能具备远程控制功能,允许操作人员通过远程终端对馈线进行开关操作、参数设置等。
  3. 通信功能
    • 支持与上级监控系统或调度中心的通信,实现数据的上传和指令的下达。
    • 可能采用标准的通信协议(如Modbus、Profibus等),便于与其他设备或系统的集成


产品详情参数 :REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E ABB 馈线保护测控装置

  • 短路保护:快速响应短路故障,切断故障电路
  • 过载保护:监测电流过载情况,及时发出保护信号
  • 接地保护:检测接地故障,保护电网安全
  • 其他保护:可能还包括欠压保护、过压保护、频率保护等
  • 实时监测:对馈线的电流、电压等电气参数进行实时监测
  • 数据记录:具备数据存储功能,记录历史数据供分析使用
  • 远程控制:支持通过远程终端对馈线进行开关操作、参数设置等


REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E馈线保护测控装置广泛应用于电力系统的各级变电站、发电厂、工业企业和城市电网等场合。它对于保障电力系统的安全稳定运行、提高供电可靠性和经济性具有重要意义。

Product details: REF615C-E HCFFAEAGAABC2BAA11E ABB feeder protection measurement and control device

REF615C-E HCFFAEAGAABC2BAA11E is a feeder protection and measurement device produced by ABB. The feeder protection measurement and control device is an important equipment in the power system, used to protect the feeder (i.e. the transmission line that supplies power from the power bus to the load in the power system) and quickly cut off the fault in case of failure, ensuring the stable operation of the power grid.

Protection function:
When faults such as short circuit, overload, and grounding occur in the feeder, the feeder protection measurement and control device can quickly detect and issue protection signals, cut off the fault circuit, and prevent the fault from expanding.
There may be multiple protection strategies, such as current quick break protection, overcurrent protection, zero sequence current protection, etc., to adapt to different types of faults and grid requirements.
Measurement and control function:
Real time monitoring and measurement of electrical parameters such as current and voltage of feeders, providing accurate data support for the scheduling and operation of the power grid.
It may have remote control function, allowing operators to perform switch operations, parameter settings, etc. on the feeder through remote terminals.
Communication function:
Support communication with higher-level monitoring systems or dispatch centers to achieve data upload and instruction issuance.
Standard communication protocols such as Modbus, Profibus, etc. may be used to facilitate integration with other devices or systems
Product details and parameters: REF615C-E HCFFAEAGAABC2BAA11E ABB feeder protection and measurement device
Short circuit protection: Quickly respond to short circuit faults and cut off the faulty circuit
Overload protection: Monitor the current overload situation and issue protection signals in a timely manner
Grounding protection: detect grounding faults and protect the safety of the power grid
Other protections: may also include undervoltage protection, overvoltage protection, frequency protection, etc
Real time monitoring: Real time monitoring of electrical parameters such as current and voltage of feeders
Data recording: equipped with data storage function, recording historical data for analysis and use
Remote control: supports switching operations, parameter settings, etc. of feeders through remote terminals
REF615C-E HCFFAEAGAABC2BAA11E ABB application areas:

The REF615C-E HCFFAEAGAABC2BAA11E feeder protection and measurement device is widely used in various levels of substations, power plants, industrial enterprises, and urban power grids in the power system. It is of great significance for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system, improving power supply reliability and economy.

其他型号推荐:REF615C-E HCFFAEAGABC2BAA11E ABB 馈线保护测控装置

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层