REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB 馈线保护测控装置 成都阳光熹禾

  • 配置灵活
    • 提供多种标准配置,用户可根据特定应用进行设置。
    • 支持通过PCM600装置配置工具进行信号矩阵或图形化配置,满足不同应用需求。
  • 结构紧凑
    • 装置设计简约小巧,便于在空间有限的柜体内安装。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB 馈线保护测控装置

REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD馈线保护测控装置是ABB Relion®产品家族中615保护测控装置产品系列的成员。该装置集保护、测量、通信、监视和弧光保护功能于一体,完全根据国际标准IEC 61850平台研发和设计,支持变电站内自动化设备之间的互操作与水平通信。

  1. 保护功能
    • 提供带方向或无方向过流和接地故障保护。
    • 支持过压、低电压、零序电压保护、热过负荷保护、灵敏接地保护及速断接地保护(间歇性接地保护)。
    • 集成弧光保护功能,用户无需另外购置和安装弧光保护装置即可实现对开关柜断路器的保护。
  2. 测量功能
    • 监测电压、电流等电气量,提供电能质量分析。
  3. 通信功能
    • 支持IEC 61850规约,实现站内智能装置间的GOOSE水平通信。
    • 同时支持工业标准Modbus通信协议以及IEC 60870-5-103。
  4. 监视功能
    • 提供全面的状态监测功能,包括装置软硬件、通信、VT熔丝断线、电流回路、断路器跳闸回路和断路器、接地开关本身的监视。
    • 预防性状态监测,如监视断路器的磨损老化情况、弹簧储能时间、SF6气压、断路器的行程时间以及断路器操作次数。
  5. 控制功能
    • 支持当地和远方控制,用户通过装置面板上的按钮或者SCADA系统即可实现对断路器的分、合闸操作。


产品详情参数 :REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB 馈线保护测控装置

  1. 配置灵活
    • 提供多种标准配置,用户可根据特定应用进行设置。
    • 支持通过PCM600装置配置工具进行信号矩阵或图形化配置,满足不同应用需求。
  2. 结构紧凑
    • 装置设计简约小巧,便于在空间有限的柜体内安装。
  3. 易于维护
    • 前面板插拔设计,提高用户安装和测试装置的效率。
    • 插件单元抽出时,电流端子能自动短路CT二次回路,防止高电压产生。
  4. 高可靠性
    • 基于IEC 61850标准设计,确保通信效率和功能。
    • 预防性状态监测功能,确保装置保护和系统正常运行。


REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD馈线保护测控装置是ABB公司的一款产品,主要用于电力变电站、电厂等电力行业以及水泥、冶金、石化、汽车、半导体、造纸、烟草等工业用户的馈线保护和控制。REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD馈线保护测控装置适用于各种公用变电站和工业配电系统的保护、控制、测量和监视,包括具备或不具备分布式电源的辐射型、环形和网格型配电网。

Product details: REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB feeder protection measurement and control device

REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD feeder protection and measurement device is ABB Relion ® A member of the 615 protection measurement and control device product series in the product family. This device integrates protection, measurement, communication, monitoring, and arc protection functions, fully developed and designed based on the international standard IEC 61850 platform, and supports interoperability and horizontal communication between automation equipment in substations.

Protection function:
Provide directional or non directional overcurrent and ground fault protection.
Supports overvoltage, low voltage, zero sequence voltage protection, thermal overload protection, sensitive grounding protection, and quick break grounding protection (intermittent grounding protection).
Integrated arc protection function allows users to protect switchgear circuit breakers without the need to purchase and install additional arc protection devices.
Measurement function:
Monitor electrical quantities such as voltage and current, and provide power quality analysis.
Communication function:
Support IEC 61850 protocol to achieve GOOSE level communication between intelligent devices within the station.
Simultaneously supporting the industrial standard Modbus communication protocol and IEC 60870-5-103.
Monitoring function:
Provide comprehensive status monitoring functions, including device software and hardware, communication, VT fuse breakage, current circuit, circuit breaker tripping circuit, and monitoring of circuit breakers and grounding switches themselves.
Preventive status monitoring, such as monitoring the wear and aging of circuit breakers, spring energy storage time, SF6 gas pressure, circuit breaker travel time, and circuit breaker operation frequency.
Control function:
Support local and remote control, users can open and close circuit breakers through buttons on the device panel or SCADA system.
Product details and parameters: REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB feeder protection measurement and control device
Flexible configuration:
Multiple standard configurations are provided, and users can set them according to specific applications.
Support signal matrix or graphical configuration through PCM600 device configuration tool to meet different application requirements.
Compact structure:
The device is designed to be simple and compact, making it easy to install in cabinets with limited space.
Easy to maintain:
The front panel plug-in design improves the efficiency of user installation and testing devices.
When the plug-in unit is extracted, the current terminal can automatically short-circuit the CT secondary circuit to prevent high voltage from being generated.
High reliability:
Designed based on the IEC 61850 standard to ensure communication efficiency and functionality.
Preventive status monitoring function ensures device protection and normal system operation.
REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB Application Fields:

REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD feeder protection and control device is a product of ABB company, mainly used for feeder protection and control in the power industry such as substations and power plants, as well as industrial users such as cement, metallurgy, petrochemicals, automobiles, semiconductors, papermaking, tobacco, etc. The REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD feeder protection and measurement device is suitable for the protection, control, measurement, and monitoring of various public substations and industrial distribution systems, including radiation, ring, and grid distribution networks with or without distributed power sources.

其他型号推荐:REF615C_D HCFDACADAND2BNN1XD ABB 馈线保护测控装置

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层