REF615E-D 实时监测馈线线路的开关状态、保护动作信号等信息




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REF615E-D 实时监测馈线线路的开关状态、保护动作信号等信息








总的来说,馈线保护测控装置主要用于保护电力系统中的馈线线路,REF615E-D 能够快速检测和切除故障,同时具备遥测、遥信、遥控等多种功能,有效保障电网的稳定运行。

REF615E-D 实时监测馈线线路的开关状态、保护动作信号等信息

Feeder protection measurement and control device is mainly used to protect feeder lines in power system. Specific effects of REF615E-D include, but are not limited to:

Fault detection and removal: The feeder protection measurement and control device can quickly detect the fault in the feeder line, and cut off the power supply when necessary to prevent the expansion of the fault and ensure the stable operation of the power grid.

Telemetry function: real-time monitoring of feeder current, voltage, active power, reactive power and other parameters, and transfer these data to the control center, so that the staff can grasp the operating status of the feeder line in time.

Remote communication function: real-time monitoring of the switch status of the feeder line, protection action signal and other information, and transmit this information to the control center, so that the staff can grasp the operating status of the feeder line in time.

Remote control function: The staff can operate the device in the control center, such as closing, opening, etc., in order to control and adjust the feeder line.

Corresponding feeder protection function: overload protection, short circuit protection, grounding protection and other protection functions, effectively protect the safety of the feeder line.

Local and remote modified protection setting, drop back protection and return signal functions: The feeder protection measurement and control device can be operated locally and remotely to modify the protection setting, drop back protection and return signal.

In general, the feeder protection measurement and control device is mainly used to protect the feeder line in the power system. REF615E-D can quickly detect and remove faults, and has a variety of functions such as telemetry, remote communication, remote control, etc., to effectively ensure the stable operation of the power grid.


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