REM615  电机保护测控装置的基本组成包括采集各发电厂

电机保护测控装置是一种微机保护装置,通常安装于高低压开关柜上。REM615 的功能有三段式电流保护、过热保护、堵转保护和过负荷保护等。对于机组容量超过2000kw的电机,通常会涉及到带有差动功能的电动机保护装置。特殊电动机保护装置,如带磁平衡保护功能、带变频启动的电动机保护。

电机保护测控装置的工作原理是综合考虑变电站对数据采集、REM615 处理的要求,以计算机技术实现数据采集、控制、信号等功能。具体来说,该装置采用工业测控网络与安装于控制室的中心设备相连接,实现全变电站的监控。除了完成常规的数据采集外,还可以实现丰富的测量、记录、监视、控制功能,取代了其它常规的专门测量仪表。

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REM615  电机保护测控装置的基本组成包括采集各发电厂

电机保护测控装置是一种微机保护装置,通常安装于高低压开关柜上。REM615 的功能有三段式电流保护、过热保护、堵转保护和过负荷保护等。对于机组容量超过2000kw的电机,通常会涉及到带有差动功能的电动机保护装置。特殊电动机保护装置,如带磁平衡保护功能、带变频启动的电动机保护。

电机保护测控装置的工作原理是综合考虑变电站对数据采集、REM615 处理的要求,以计算机技术实现数据采集、控制、信号等功能。具体来说,该装置采用工业测控网络与安装于控制室的中心设备相连接,实现全变电站的监控。除了完成常规的数据采集外,还可以实现丰富的测量、记录、监视、控制功能,取代了其它常规的专门测量仪表。

电机保护测控装置的基本组成包括采集各发电厂、变电所中各种表征电力系统运行状态的实时信息,REM615 并根据运行需要将有关信息通过信息传输通道传送到调度中心,同时也接受调度端发来的控制命令,并执行相应的操作。



REM615  电机保护测控装置的基本组成包括采集各发电厂

The motor protection measurement and control device is a microcomputer protection device, which is usually installed on the high and low voltage switchgear. REM615 features three-stage current protection, overheat protection, locked-rotor protection and overload protection. For motors with a unit capacity of more than 2000kw, a motor protection device with a differential function is usually involved. Special motor protection devices, such as magnetic balance protection function, motor protection with frequency conversion start.

The working principle of the motor protection measurement and control device is to comprehensively consider the requirements of substation for data acquisition and REM615 processing, and to realize the functions of data acquisition, control and signal with computer technology. Specifically, the device uses an industrial measurement and control network to connect with the central equipment installed in the control room to realize the monitoring of the whole substation. In addition to the completion of conventional data acquisition, it can also achieve a wealth of measurement, recording, monitoring, control functions, replacing other conventional special measuring instruments.

The basic composition of the motor protection measurement and control device includes the collection of real-time information representing the operating status of the power system in each power plant and substation, and the REM615 transmits the relevant information to the dispatching center through the information transmission channel according to the operation needs, and also accepts the control command sent by the dispatching end and performs the corresponding operation.

Specifically, the working principle of the motor protection measurement and control device includes the following aspects:

Telemetry: The acquisition and transmission of real-time information about the operating simulation of a power system.
Telemetry: acquisition and transmission of real-time information about switching quantities in power systems.
Remote control: receive the command information sent by the main station of the dispatching center, perform the operation of the circuit breaker, the generator, the shunt capacitor and so on.
Remote control: Receive and execute the remote control command sent by the computer of the main station of the dispatching center, such as adjusting the active or reactive power output of the generator, the voltage of the generator set, the tap of the transformer, etc.
In general, the motor protection measurement and control device realizes data acquisition, control, signal and other functions through computer technology to achieve the protection and monitoring of the motor.

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