SNAT604-5761861-2B I/A Series系统是一种高效、可靠、灵活的工业控制系统


高速、冗余通讯:I/A Series系统的节点总线(Node Bus)为系统中的各个站(控制处理机、应用处理机等)之间提供高速、冗余、点到点的通讯,具有优异的性能和安全性,这方面远远超过了一般DCS中的平行底板方式。

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SNAT604-5761861-2B I/A Series系统是一种高效、可靠、灵活的工业控制系统

I/A Series系统是美国FOXBORO公司推出的新一代开放式智能DCS控制系统,是世界上第一种使用开放网络的工业控制系统,也是目前使用64位工作站和全冗余的高标准DCS控制系统。

I/A Series系统 SNAT604-5761861-2B 具有以下特点:

开放式系统:I/A Series系统在硬件、软件和通讯网络的设计上全面采用国际公认的标准,采用与标准的UNIX系统完全兼容的VENIX和SOLARIS操作系统。


高速、冗余通讯:I/A Series系统的节点总线(Node Bus)为系统中的各个站(控制处理机、应用处理机等)之间提供高速、冗余、点到点的通讯,具有优异的性能和安全性,这方面远远超过了一般DCS中的平行底板方式。

广泛应用:I/A Series系统已经在全世界电力、石化、冶金、建材、轻工、纺织、食品等各个领域都有广泛应用的系统。

综上所述,I/A Series系统是一种高效、可靠、灵活的工业控制系统,SNAT604-5761861-2B 具有广泛的应用前景和市场需求。

SNAT604-5761861-2B I/A Series系统是一种高效、可靠、灵活的工业控制系统

Industrial Ethernet switch is a kind of Ethernet switch equipment used in the field of industrial control. The SDW-550EC uses Ethernet-compliant network protocols and carrier-grade performance characteristics to meet the high demands of a variety of industrial environments.

Industrial Ethernet switches have the following features:

Ethernet standards: Industrial Ethernet switches use Ethernet protocols that comply with IEEE 802.3 standards, with transparent and unified TCP/IP protocols, so that devices from different manufacturers can interoperate.
Carrier-grade performance: Industrial Ethernet switches have carrier-grade performance characteristics that can withstand harsh working environments and are suitable for a variety of industrial applications. The product series is rich and the port configuration is flexible, which can meet the needs of various industrial fields.

Wide temperature design: Industrial Ethernet switches use wide temperature design, protection level is not less than IP30, can work in a wide temperature range, adapt to a variety of harsh environmental conditions.

Ring network redundancy protocol: Industrial Ethernet switches support standard and private ring network redundancy protocols, which can achieve rapid recovery in the event of network failure and improve network reliability.

Efficient data transmission: Industrial Ethernet switches use efficient data transmission methods and support full-duplex mode, which can achieve high-speed data transmission. At the same time, the SDW-550EC also has the function of splitting the conflict domain, and each port is independent into a conflict domain, which improves the efficiency of data transmission.

Easy to manage: Industrial Ethernet switches can be managed and configured via a Web browser, command line interface (CLI), or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for ease of use.

In short, industrial Ethernet switch is an efficient, reliable, flexible network equipment, suitable for a variety of industrial control fields, can meet the high requirements, harsh environment network communication needs.


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层