SR750-P1-G1-S1-HI-A20-R 模拟功能,抽拔构造

继电器的前面板分为大约四个部分:40个字符的液晶显示器,键盘,led和RS232端口。40个字符的液体显示是字母数字,并显示各种系统值(由用户配置),当不活跃使用。键盘允许手动设定值配置和继电器的一般导航。当系统中出现问题时,led可以指示,也可以让用户了解正在进行的进程。最后,RS232端口允许在运行EnerVista 750软件的计算机和继电器之间轻松,直接连接。

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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


SR750-P1-G1-S1-HI-A20-R 模拟功能,抽拔构造


继电器的前面板分为大约四个部分:40个字符的液晶显示器,键盘,led和RS232端口。40个字符的液体显示是字母数字,并显示各种系统值(由用户配置),当不活跃使用。键盘允许手动设定值配置和继电器的一般导航。当系统中出现问题时,led可以指示,也可以让用户了解正在进行的进程。最后,RS232端口允许在运行EnerVista 750软件的计算机和继电器之间轻松,直接连接。


额外的安全措施可以通过密码保护实施,以防止未经授权的调整设定值。此密码保护适用于从继电器前端手动编辑和通过EnerVista 750程序编辑。手动输入设定值配置时,后端必须安装跳线。


SR750-P1-G1-S1-HI-A20-R 模拟功能,抽拔构造

Product Description
While distribution feeder system management can be a difficult task, General Electric Multilin’s 750-P1-G1-S1-HI-A20-R streamlines the process and extends system life. Equipped with numerous features that protect distribution feeder systems, Multilin’s Feeder Management Relay reduces strain on system components and reduces troubleshooting times through its metering and data logging capabilities.

The relay’s front panel is broken up into approximately four sections: the 40-character liquid crystal display, the keypad, the LEDs, and the RS232 port. The 40-character liquid display is alphanumeric and indicates various system values (configurable by the user) when not in active use. The keypad allows for manual setpoint configuration and general navigation of the relay. The LEDs can indicate when problems arise in the system and also keep users informed on active processes. Finally, the RS232 port allows easy, direct connection between a computer running the EnerVista 750 software and the relay.

The 750-P1-G1-S1-HI-A20-R includes a metering function that can determine values such as voltage, frequency, watthour cost, percent of load-to-trip, and running and maximum demand. The relay can use its metering function to trigger an alarm when the breaker maintenance threshold is exceeded. Alarm can be indicated through the relay’s twenty aforementioned LEDs.

Additional security measures can be implemented through passcode protection to prevent unauthorized adjustments of setpoints. This password protection works for both manual editing from the front of the relay and editing through the EnerVista 750 program. For manual entering of setpoint configuration, a jumper must be installed on the rear terminal.


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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层