UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB 静态励磁控制器 成都阳光熹禾

  1. 控制精度:高精度控制,能够精确调节励磁电流,以满足发电机组的电压和无功功率要求 。
  2. 响应时间:快速响应,能够在短时间内调整励磁电流,以应对电力系统中的瞬态变化 。
  3. 接口类型:可能包括模拟量输入/输出、数字量输入/输出、通信接口等,以便与发电机组和电力系统中的其他设备进行连接和数据交换 。
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
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  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB 静态励磁控制器

  • 高性能控制:该控制器能够提供高精度的速度、位置和力矩控制,适用于需要精密控制的工业应用场合 。
  • 智能保护功能:具备监测电机和驱动器工作状态的能力,并能够自动检测异常情况并采取保护措施,如过载、过热、短路保护等,以增强系统稳定性和设备寿命 。
  • 数字化控制:采用数字信号处理技术,并可能支持多种通信协议,便于集成到自动化控制系统中,实现远程监控和调试 。
  • 可编程与灵活性:允许用户根据具体应用需求进行参数设置和调整,提供一定的编程能力以适应不同的工况和控制策略 。
  • 高效节能:通过优化的控制算法和高效电力转换,有助于提高整体系统的能源效率 。
  • 稳定性与可靠性:设计用于连续运行的工业环境,具有较高的稳定性和长期运行的可靠性,适合在苛刻条件下使用 。
  • 模块化设计:便于安装、维护和升级,降低停机时间和维护成本 。

UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001

产品详情参数:UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB 静态励磁控制器

  1. 控制精度:高精度控制,能够精确调节励磁电流,以满足发电机组的电压和无功功率要求 。
  2. 响应时间:快速响应,能够在短时间内调整励磁电流,以应对电力系统中的瞬态变化 。
  3. 接口类型:可能包括模拟量输入/输出、数字量输入/输出、通信接口等,以便与发电机组和电力系统中的其他设备进行连接和数据交换 。

UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB  应用领域:

在励磁系统方面,UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 励磁系统为发电机提供所需的励磁电流,并能在必要时进行强行励磁、强行减磁和灭磁。它向发电机的励磁绕组提供一个可调的直流电流,以满足发电机正常运行的需求 。广泛应用于电力系统、工业自动化、数控机床、工业机器人、印刷设备、医疗设备以及自动化生产线等领域 。

Product Details: UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB Static Excitation Controller
High performance control: This controller can provide high-precision speed, position, and torque control, suitable for industrial applications that require precise control.
Intelligent protection function: It has the ability to monitor the working status of motors and drivers, and can automatically detect abnormal situations and take protective measures, such as overload, overheating, short circuit protection, etc., to enhance system stability and equipment life.
Digital control: It adopts digital signal processing technology and may support multiple communication protocols, making it easy to integrate into automation control systems for remote monitoring and debugging.
Programmable and flexible: allowing users to set and adjust parameters according to specific application needs, providing certain programming capabilities to adapt to different working conditions and control strategies.
Efficient and energy-saving: By optimizing control algorithms and efficient power conversion, it helps to improve the overall energy efficiency of the system.
Stability and reliability: Designed for continuous operation in industrial environments, it has high stability and long-term reliability, suitable for use under harsh conditions.
Modular design: easy to install, maintain, and upgrade, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Product details and parameters: UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB static excitation controller
Control accuracy: High precision control, capable of accurately adjusting the excitation current to meet the voltage and reactive power requirements of the generator set.
Response time: Fast response, able to adjust the excitation current in a short period of time to cope with transient changes in the power system.
Interface types: may include analog input/output, digital input/output, communication interfaces, etc., for connecting and exchanging data with generator sets and other devices in the power system.
UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB application areas:

In terms of excitation system, the UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 excitation system provides the required excitation current for the generator and can perform forced excitation, forced demagnetization, and demagnetization when necessary. It provides an adjustable DC current to the excitation winding of the generator to meet the requirements for normal operation of the generator. Widely used in fields such as power systems, industrial automation, CNC machine tools, industrial robots, printing equipment, medical equipment, and automated production lines.

其他型号推荐:UAD149A0001 3BHE014135R0001 ABB 静态励磁控制器

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层