VMIVME-7700 基于超低电压赛扬处理器的全功能单板计算机


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  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


VMIVME-7700 基于超低电压赛扬处理器的全功能单板计算机


VMIVME-7700采用了英特尔超低电压赛扬400 MHz/650 MHz处理器,结合单槽、被动冷却、Eurocard外形规格,以及英特尔815E芯片组的先进技术,使其具有出色的处理能力和性能。此外,它还具备一个透明的PCI到VMEbus桥,允许板在多CPU系统中充当系统控制器或外设CPU,从而满足复杂控制系统的需求。

在内存方面,VMIVME-7700接受一个144引脚SDRAM SODIMM,最大容量为512兆字节。板载DRAM通过PCI到VMEbus桥与VMEbus共享,可由本地处理器寻址,也可由另一个VMEbus主控器寻址。这种共享内存的设计使得在多处理器系统中可以更加高效地利用内存资源。


此外,VMIVME-7700还支持多种外设和接口,如IDE闪存、可编程定时器、非易失性SRAM等,使得它可以方便地与其他设备和系统进行集成和通信。同时,它还符合VMEbus规范Rev. C.1,确保了与其他VMEbus设备的兼容性和互操作性。



VMIVME-7700 基于超低电压赛扬处理器的全功能单板计算机

The VMIVME-7700 is a full-featured single-board computer (SBC) based on an ultra-low voltage Celeron processor, designed for industrial automation and control systems. With its high performance, stability and reliability, this module has a wide range of applications in the field of industrial automation.

The VMIVME-7700 uses Intel’s ultra-low voltage Celeron 400 MHz/650 MHz processor, combined with single-slot, passive cooling, Eurocard form factor specifications, and the advanced technology of Intel’s 815E chipset, giving it outstanding processing power and performance. In addition, it has a transparent PCI to VMEbus bridge, allowing the board to act as a system controller or peripheral CPU in multi-CPU systems to meet the needs of complex control systems.

In terms of memory, the VMIVME-7700 accepts a 144-pin SDRAM SODIMM with a maximum capacity of 512 megabytes. The on-board DRAM is shared with the VMEbus via the PCI to VMEbus bridge and can be addressed either by the local processor or by another VMEbus master. This shared memory design enables more efficient utilization of memory resources in multi-processor systems.

The VMIVME-7700 also comes with a wealth of configuration options and features. It comes with an onboard BIOS setup program that controls many configuration options, such as hard drive type, etc. These options are stored in a special non-volatile, battery-supported memory chip, ensuring the durability and stability of the configuration.

In addition, the VMIVME-7700 supports a variety of peripherals and interfaces, such as IDE flash memory, programmable timers, non-volatile SRAM, etc., making it easy to integrate and communicate with other devices and systems. It also complies with VMEbus specification Rev.C.1, ensuring compatibility and interoperability with other VMEbus devices.

In terms of reliability, the VMIVME-7700 also performs well. It uses high-quality components and a rigorously tested circuit design to ensure long-term stable operation and excellent durability. In addition, the module also has a variety of protective measures, such as overvoltage and overcurrent protection, which can automatically take protective measures in abnormal circumstances to avoid equipment damage or accidents.

Overall, the VMIVME-7700 is a fully functional single-board computer with great power and performance. Its high-performance processor, shared memory design, rich configuration options and features, and excellent reliability make it a promising application in industrial automation and control systems. Whether used for data acquisition, control logic implementation or equipment monitoring, the VMIVME-7700 provides outstanding performance and reliability, contributing to the development of industrial automation.

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  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层