VZ7000-UVZ701E RELIANCE 伺服驱动器

  1. N095:通讯中断时运转模式(设定以确保在测试过程中不因通讯中断而突然停车)
  2. N216:速度偏差异常检出使用/不使用(建议设定为’0’,即不使用,以避免在马达进行阶跃加减速运转时误报)
  3. N160:负侧扭矩电流限制1(固定)(在回生能量处理不彻底,即直流总线报过电压异常时,应适当减小此值)
  4. N534:滑差率测定设定初期值(Tuningdata),需根据具体情况设定,过大可能导致马达加减速几次后停止,需减小并确认值的再现性
  5. N491:滑差率测定时观察滑差率设定现在值(tuningdata),用于逐渐接近最终得到的值,以确定最终值的再现性
  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层


产品细节说明:VZ7000-UVZ701E RELIANCE 伺服驱动器

  1. 功率范围:根据参考文章4,虽然没有直接提及VZ7000-UVZ701E的具体功率范围,但瑞恩UVZ7007伺服驱动器可适配1.5KW到600KW功率的电机,可以推测VZ7000系列驱动器也具有广泛的功率适配范围。
  2. 高速与高精确度:通过使用高速DSP,VZ7000系列伺服驱动器(包括UVZ701E)可达到每秒高转速,且低速时通过使用高分辨率编码器提升稳定性。
  3. 独立电源控制电路:具有独立的电源控制电路,确保驱动器在各种工况下的稳定运行。
  4. 通信接口:支持多种通信接口,如Modbus、CAN总线、以太网等,方便与各种控制系统集成。


产品详情参数 :VZ7000-UVZ701E RELIANCE 伺服驱动器

  • 品牌:RELIANCE(瑞恩电气)
  • 型号:VZ7000-UVZ701E
  • N022:额定功率(具体数值需根据实际应用设定)
  • N023:无负荷电压(具体数值需根据实际应用设定)
  • N024:额定电流(具体数值需根据实际应用设定)
  • N025:过负荷电流大小(具体数值需根据实际应用设定)
  • N026:励磁电流(在修改设定值时,如从0Arms变更,需要重新上电。如不清楚设定值,可让马达在不带负载的状态下,运转在基底速度时,确保端电压与无负荷电压一致)
  • N027:额定速度(在滑差率自整定时,请输入与N028相同的值)
  • N028:基础速度(与N027额定速度相关,确保在测试过程中与额定速度一致)

VZ7000-UVZ701E 应用领域:

  • 工业自动化:在工业自动化生产线中,VZ7000-UVZ701E驱动器能够实现对伺服电机的精确控制,满足高精度定位、速度和力矩调节等需求。
  • 机械制造:在数控机床、加工中心等高精度机械设备中,该驱动器能够提供稳定、可靠的动力支持,确保设备的加工精度和稳定性。
  • 纺织和印刷:在纺织和印刷行业,该驱动器能够实现对织机、印刷机等设备的精确控制,提高产品质量和生产效率。
  • 新能源和环保:在新能源和环保领域,该驱动器可以应用于风力发电、太阳能跟踪系统等设备中,实现对电机的高精度控制,提高能源利用效率。

Product details: VZ7000-UVZ701E RELIANCE servo driver
Power range: According to reference article 4, although the specific power range of VZ7000-UVZ701E is not directly mentioned, the Ryan UVZ7007 servo driver can adapt to motors with power ranging from 1.5KW to 600KW, indicating that the VZ7000 series driver also has a wide range of power adaptability.
High speed and high precision: By using high-speed DSP, The VZ7000 series servo drives (including UVZ701E) can achieve high speeds per second and improve stability at low speeds by using high-resolution encoders.
Independent power control circuit: With an independent power control circuit, it ensures the stable operation of the driver under various working conditions.
Communication interface: supports multiple communication interfaces, such as Modbus CAN bus, Ethernet, etc., facilitate integration with various control systems.

Product details parameters: VZ7000-UVZ701E RELIANCE servo driver
Model: VZ7000-UVZ701E
N022: Rated power (specific values need to be set according to actual application)
N023: No load voltage (specific values need to be set according to actual application)
N024: Rated current (specific values need to be set according to actual application)
N025: Overload current magnitude (specific values need to be set according to actual application)
N026: Excitation current (When modifying the set value, if it changes from 0Arms, it needs to be powered on again. If the set value is unclear, the motor can be operated at base speed without load to ensure that the terminal voltage is consistent with the no-load voltage)
N027: Rated speed (please enter the same value as N028 when adjusting the slip rate)
N028: Basic speed (related to N027 rated speed, ensuring consistency with rated speed during testing)
Application areas of VZ7000-UVZ701E:
Industrial automation: In industrial automation production lines, The VZ7000-UVZ701E driver can achieve precise control of servo motors, meeting the needs of high-precision positioning, speed and torque adjustment, etc.
Mechanical manufacturing: In high-precision mechanical equipment such as CNC machine tools and machining centers, this driver can provide stable and reliable power support, ensuring the machining accuracy and stability of the equipment.
Textile and Printing: In the textile and printing industry, this driver can achieve precise control of equipment such as looms and printing machines, improving product quality and production efficiency.
New energy and environmental protection: In the field of new energy and environmental protection, this driver can be applied to equipment such as wind power generation and solar tracking systems to achieve high-precision control of motors and improve energy utilization efficiency.

ABB PM861AK01 3BSE018157R1 AC 800M Contr ABB PM861AK01 3BSE018157R1 AC 800M Controller unit module
ABB 5SHY3545L0003 336A4954ARP1 IGCT Modu ABB 5SHY3545L0003 336A4954ARP1 IGCT Module
ABB Controller KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R01 ABB Controller KUC711AE101 3BHB004661R0101 3BHB004791R0101 | POWER CONTROL MODULE
ABB DC732F | 3BDH000375R0001 | Digital I ABB DC732F | 3BDH000375R0001 | Digital Input/Output Module I/O
ABB S-123H/3BHB030479R0512 ACS6000 Phase ABB S-123H/3BHB030479R0512 ACS6000 Phase module
ABB PFSK152 | 3BSE018877R1 | PFSK 152 | ABB PFSK152 | 3BSE018877R1 | PFSK 152 | 3BSE018877R2 | Signal concentrator board
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ABB UBC717BE101 | 3BHE021887R0101 | OVVP ABB UBC717BE101 | 3BHE021887R0101 | OVVP-BOARD COATED
ABB REU610 | Voltage relay | Voltage pro ABB REU610 | Voltage relay | Voltage protection relay
ABB CP430T-ETH 1SBP260189R1001 HMI Contr ABB CP430T-ETH 1SBP260189R1001 HMI Control Panel

  • 购买咨询热线/Phone:18859254943
  • 邮箱/Email:sales@ygdcs.com
  • 地址:成都高新区天益街北巷52号附14号2层